Why Sanders?
Letting out your property should be a stress-free experience. Ensuring end-to-end detail, our team is structured specifically to our client’s needs. We look beyond just management to ensure you are also maximising your investment return.
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What happened this week
Sanders management statistics
Average gross yield
The average gross yield for houses and units managed by Sanders is 4.65%
Average days on market
15 days |
Sanders properties for lease are only on the market for an average of 15 days.
Average management length
Sanders has an average property management length of 8.25 years.
Occupancy rate
Houses and units leased by Sanders have a 99.3% occupancy rate so far in 2024
Sanders Property Agents and its directors, officers, employees, agents and related entities responsible for maintaining these statistics believe that the information contained above is correct. However no representation or warranties of any nature whatsoever are given, intended or implied, and you should rely on your enquiries as to the accuracy of any information or material available above.

Secure tenants in advance
Reduce the time your investment property sits vacantAvoid losing money with an empty rental and find tenants before advertising your property for rent on realestate.com.au and domain.com.au.

Our people
Meet the teamAn environment where culture, community and personalised matter. Our team is what makes us who we are. Come and meet our people.